Nostalgia: An old photograph of someone passed. Old toys of somebody grown up. A disassembled-bed in the attic. Ghost in your Basement? This four-piece, Torrington, Conn. band wields an interestingly nostalgic (yet hopeful) tone; a singular sound from people so young. But they handle it well on their recent EP “Basements.” Composed of a standard indie-rock setup, two guitars, bass, and drums, Ghost in your Basement envelops us with the sounds of yesteryear.
In 2011, most indie rock groups go for a meagerly composed and emotionally aloof tone. Ghost in your Basement is pretty much the opposite of this. They are sincere; you can tell that they put a lot of time in to their recording. In my notes, I wrote that this EP reminds me of Mogwai and Modest Mouse. But after thinking about it for a while, a better comparison would be the band Bedhead. Lush instrumental parts with vocals sparsely interwoven yields the bands beautiful soundscape. Many of the songs are slow, arpeggiated, and sad. The EP’s Lo-Fi-tone, with noises creepily reverberating in the background, creates an unsettling feeling. But just as it gets a bit too much to handle, the group changes tempos, and direction, leading into a classically driving indie-rock song. These kids certainly have a knack for writing music. While this might not be for all, it is refreshing to hear sincere indie rock. It is certainly worth a listen.
Basements EP for sale on BandCamp (Band is also selling it on Cassette at shows):
First track off album:
Ghost In Your Basement - Basements EP - 01 Basements Pt. 1 & 2 by CTINDIE
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