Perennial Connecticut hardcore favorite Wrench in the Works released their latest effort "Decrease/Increase" on California based Facedown Records last week. Fans of their last release "The Lost Art of Heaping Coal" can expect more punishing breakdowns, guitar work that is obliterating and sometimes spazzy like old Dillenger Escape Plan, and incredibly technical drumming that is so good, your head will be left spinning just trying to keep up with it. Wrench in the Works are as progressive as they are brutal. It's rare for a band to push the boundaries of a music genre while still maintaining a familiarity to its origins and its influence and Wrench in the Works are beginning to make their way into that position. "Decrease/Increase" should (deservedly) be a gateway to a new legion of fans for the band.
As good as their recordings are, Wrench in the Work's has a live show that I have yet to see be touched by a local hardcore band. They are wonderfully tight and faithful to their recordings while unleashing a sort of intensity that can only be properly experienced in an intimate setting. The band is playing it's record release show in Prospect Connecticut Saturday March 27 with some fantastic support. Poughkeepsie New York based post hardcore band Robots and Empire might be the best band of that genre in quite some time. Philadelphia three piece Gods and Queens bring an experimental, unique and often times spacey sound to the bill. Also playing are Connecticut's own The Lows, who's new album "In Waves" is their most mature and interesting work yet (download it at the link below for free). Arrive early to check out two great Connecticut hardcore bands in Sabotage and Cold Snap.
Wrench in the Works
$8 in advance/$10 at door (Like most Manic shows, you can purchase advance tickets at Redscroll Records in Wallingford, or online at www.manicproductions.org )
6 P.M. All Ages
218 Chesire Road, Prospect CT
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